'Ares' Desert's Electric Light Star
Date of Birth- March 28, 2007
Breeder - Sherri Doratti, Desert ES
Owners- Diana Dmoch and family, Montreal, QC
Sire- BISS Am/Can Ch. Desert's Electric Slide 'Slide'
BAER status Bilateral Clear
Click here for his pedigree
To see more pictures of Ares, click here
Ares makes his home in Montreal with Diana and her family. He gives them so much joy, and it is always wonderful to hear from Diana and see photos of this delightful boy. We were fortunate to be able to meet Diana, Jurek, Joanna and Fabio when we were out to Ottawa and the Canadian National in August of 2010. This is a lucky dog, he has a caring and loving family, and it was so great to meet and spend time with them!
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